October 31, 2021
Speaker: Mike Kleven
Bible Texts: Psalm 13; John 11:21-22; Matt. 27:46; Luke 23:46; Romans 8:26
Series: Restored #6
When disaster strikes, either personally or across a community the question reverberates in hearts and cries out from lips: Why didn't God stop it?
Many ask, if God is all powerful and all good, how can he allow such devastating evil? It is in times of deep anguish that for many people God can feel most absent and the truths of the Bible can feel shallow compared to the pain one feels.
It's in moments of deep pain where we can put God on trial for the suffering, injustice, and anguish we experience. But perhaps the story we tell ourselves about how this world works, about how this world should work, and about how God should work, isn't the real story after all.
The deep, subterranean deep reality, deeper than doctrine, is the story of God; the God of creation and of new creation. Could getting the deep story of creation, of us, of the need for recreation, perhaps change who or what is put on trial when suffering comes our way?
That is the question addressed in, "When God Didn't Stop It."